The increasing global waste management problems are not different from the situation in some part of the world. The problem is even critical to some countries particularly in the urban areas including the municipalities and metropolises which are undergoing increasing levels of consumption as a result of economic, population and urban growth. Some countries in Africa and Asia are currently stressed from the impact of wastes.
Waste has become a dilemma for most countries' economy and health institutions, as well as environmental agencies so much that, 4NEW Limited has taken it upon itself to address the challenges of incessant waste management in a bid to convert it to usable energy for human consumptions. 4NEW Limited is the world’s first blockchain integrated Waste to Energy public utility treatment plant seeks  to address the embarrassingly poor sanitation situation of some countries in Africa and the Asia as well. Countries in these part of the continents being it Africa and Asia are currently overwhelmed with so much waste that government and private agencies have not been able to address the problems of waste adequately, particularly, in the major cities in those underpinning countries in Africa and Asia.
Though there have been series of efforts by
successive governments to help curb the problem of waste over years, the situation has deteriorated. Excess waste presents a major challenge in some countries in Africa and Asia particularly among residents living within highly populated areas and low income communities. Excess waste management constitute a serious problem in some countries in Africa and Asia. Most municipalities do not collect the total amount of waste generated and of the waste collected, just a percentage receives proper disposal. The insufficient collection and inappropriate disposal of solid waste represent a source of pollution that poses risk to human health and the environment since the health status and productivity levels of the population are greatly influenced by the state of the environmental sanitation condition in which they live. As a concerned citizen in one of the countries in Africa, I have realized that the problem of waste management in my country for instance, is a combination of factors, prominent among which are poor spatial planning, inadequate and inappropriate equipment, inadequate expertise and underdeveloped private sector. When a particular country is in crisis as a result improper disposal of wastes and poor waste management, that country does not suffer the consequences alone, however it goes a long way to affect other neighboring countries and eventually the world as well. My desire to live in a world that provides hope for the teeming population and create a good avenue to tackle the increasing environmental and energy concerns led me to discover a 21st century wonder at https://4new.co.uk/, a decentralized waste-to-energy platform.  The focus on waste management has been the centralised bureaucratic and conventional collection, transporting and dumping of waste in light of the inadequate resources and the overwhelming rate of waste generation to the neglect of other alternative means like pre-cycling, recovery of waste for reuse and recycling which could further lead to income generation particularly by households. The speed of waste generation and management in some countries in Africa and Asia is a matter of great worry to the 4NEW limited. The growing inflow of people into such countries as a result of urbanisation has led to an alarming rate of waste generation. With such an increase in the number of people in the cities and towns in some countries in Africa and Asia, there is great likelihood that has led the increased waste generation and disposal requiring informed research to solve the problems pertaining to waste management and the developmental problems associated with it.
The poor sanitary condition of the communities in Africa and Asia has led to the implementation of a model adopted by 4NEW limited. The model adopted by 4NEW is illustrated in the diagram below;

 To get comprehensive details on the model adopted by the 4NEW Limited to solve outlined challenges, download ‘White Paper’ https://4new.co.uk/4new_whitepaper.pdf. The 4NEW solution will help bridge that gap for the blockchain network by setting up future plant sites in close proximity to urban centers where these data servers may be situated, thereby alleviating the burdens on the respective national electric grid.
Driven mainly by the conversion of waste to wealth and usable energy by 4NEW limited, concerns associated with waste management across the globe, a lot has been documented on the practices, problems, and challenges that excess waste poses with much interest in the possible resources generation from waste. Prior to this, 4NEW limited has the necessary requisite to curb this problem of waste generation across the globe. Waste generated, particularly, domestic waste by households is increasingly drawing attention worldwide. The waste is generated as a consequence of household activities such as cleaning, cooking, packaging and large usage of plastics and other materials. In this era where waste is seen as a resource, waste management should not pose as much problem as it poses for some countries in Africa and Asia in view of 4NEW Limited vision as to drastically reduce excess waste generation from households through the conversion of the various waste to wealth and usable energy. 4NEW limited has conducted much research  to identify the practices and strategies that it will adopt to turn the menace of waste to wealth generation. 4NEW limited has seen to it that, It is past time some countries' view of waste as a menace be diverted and explored, the potentials of waste as a major resource for national development. 4NEW limited, being an advocator and  brain behind conversion of waste to wealth and usable energy striving to modernize Waste and Energy industries by offering services as a wholesaler within the Utilities sector that is fully integrated onto an open source, decentralized public exchange enabling consumers and industry peers alike to trade their 4NEW Coins towards payments within the 4NEW ecosystem, the glaring potentials of waste in wealth creation cannot be over emphasised.

4NEW OFFICIAL WEBSITE; https://4new.co.uk/




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